On Wednesday, May 31, 2023, at approximately 6:10 PM, officers were dispatched to a firearm assault in the 3100 block of East Main Street, American Inn Motel. When officers arrived, the victim was found in the roadway. Dothan Fire and Rescue arrived and began evaluating the victim’s injuries and at that time it was discovered the victim had not been shot. The victim only had small lacerations to the hands. After interviewing multiple witnesses at the scene, it was determined a physical altercation took place between the suspect and victim inside a room and the victim was chased from the room by the suspect. The suspect fired a handgun at the victim while chasing him. The victim was transported to the hospital for treatment and was later released.
Joshua Immanuel Baxter, 32 years old of Gordon, AL, was charged with one count of Attempted Assault First Degree. His is currently being held with no bond. Additional charges may be forthcoming, pending the ongoing investigation.

Attempted Assault First Degree
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