On 7/11/2022 the Dothan Police Department received a report about two missing persons, Shauna Terry, and her boyfriend, Damien Bell. It was reported by family members the two had not been seen or heard from since 7/8/2022. An investigation into their whereabouts was initiated. It was determined the pair left from the motel they were staying at on Montgomery Highway late in the afternoon on 7/8/2022. At the time they left, it appeared they left on their own free will. A “lookout” was issued for the two individuals along with the red SUV they were traveling in. Several days passed with no leads and no new information about their whereabouts.
On 7/28/2022 investigators received information that led authorities to Long Round Bay Road in Bonifay, FL. Sheriff John Tate and the Holmes County Sheriff’s Department were notified of the information and a joint investigation between the Holmes County Sheriff’s Department and the Dothan Police Department began. Information led authorities to believe one or more bodies were buried on the property on Long Round Bay Road. Holmes County Sheriff’s Department executed a search warrant at that location. Cadaver dogs were brought in and indicated to the presence human remains. Excavation began at the location the dogs indicated. The bodies of two individuals were located during the excavation. It is believed the remains may possibly be those of Shauna Terry and Damien Bell, however that cannot be confirmed until forensic testing is completed by Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
Dothan Police Department also executed a search warrant in the 600 block of Dutch Street in Dothan, AL and processed this location for evidence related to this incident.
Even though the investigation is in its early stage, it is believed one individual may have been murdered in Dothan, AL and the other individual may have been murdered at the Long Round Bay Road location in Bonifay, FL. Persons of interest have been developed and are currently being sought. Thus far one individual, Sheena Marie Thurman, 35 years old of Bonifay, FL, has been charged with one count of Murder in Dothan, AL and one count of Open Murder in Holmes County, FL.

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